Dear One,
Today is the Day!
We are looking forward to being with you today for our Solstice Fire Ceremony! We begin at 10 am PT | HST 7 AM | CDT 12 PM | EDT 1 PM | BST 6 PM | NEXT DAY AEST 3 AM | NZST 5 AM
To prepare:
Please set your Solstice intentions to weave together with everyone.
Bring your journal, a candle, and any other nature element that calls to you and Download Solstice Fire Mandala HERE. This mandala represents the elemental energies of your hearth. Pause, before coloring each one, locate and breathe into its source within your body, seeding a deep intention for each one. Kathleen suggests following this Celtic spiral order: heart (air-I love). solar plexus (below belly button-fire-I do), throat (ether-I express), sacral (genitals-water-I feel), crown (top of head-all-I understand), root (pelvis-earth-I am) 3rd eye (brow-all-I see). Finishing with the solstice area in whole hearth intention. Return to this mandala whenever you feel called to the center.
Join us via Zoom
Access Zoom details on the Cura Council Dashboard.
See you soon,
In Gratitude,