The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Ancient Future Soul - Transmission of 3 Mysteries

Ancient Future Soul - Transmission of 3 Mysteries

When a painting completes, I open to listen and this is what came through

Ancient Future Soul Transmission 

I come from a place where the past and the present are one. There is a timelessness to this being, which is me. I have gathered myself from the elements and the stars and the root system. I have gathered myself from the mythologies, from all the wrongs and all the rights. I have wrapped my skin,  a thin veil of translucent skin, like water wraps around a stone when it's flowing quickly. You think you can see me, but as you see me, I'm already changed, I'm shapeshifting.

If you think you saw me, it's a facet of the whole, which is me, I come from the wholeness, I come from the brokenness, I come from the space before, I come from the space after. This is not unique to me

This is the journey of every soul and as a soul, as we evolve in relationship with all of creation and other souls, there becomes spaces and places and times when indeed we choose to wrap our skin around a package of energy that is water and star and soil and breath. We are every element infused into a temporary vessel called a being.

I have been many beings before you and will be many beings after you. The soul is ageless, genderless. It's infinite in a way because you never know when it ends or how it begins. So there is a timelessness to it, but at the same time, there is an evolution, a necessary development on earth, you call that age, but where I come from, it's just a development. 

We don't do it to evolve or to become better than we are. It's just what naturally happens as we travel through what you think of as space-time.

This time I arrived here with you, as you, on a wave. It's a wave that was set in motion by the prayers of your ancestors. They were looking for such a one as you, and not just you. All of you gathered at the feast table of love on the mountaintop of love. We were looking for you. And so I rode the wave through the destination of incarnation. You could have recognized me and you did. But you might not have. Many do not recognize the soul that they inhabit. They've been distilled and reduced into a persona or a character personality or even a family from a DNA perspective. I say reduced because it's like a distillation. It's like the cooling off of something that is very, very hot and very, very beautiful and beyond imagining. I cannot explain it to you. It would not translate into the language that you use. I have come with a message for you, and a message perhaps that also is for others. A message that through time has been obscured by power-over structures that will come and go. And about power-over structures, let me say this. They're so young in their infancy and yet wreak such havoc on the households of humanity and the galaxy. Thinking that you know the way is the surest way to destruction in the shortest amount of time. We never assume we know the way. We just show up in the way and in the way of creation, in the way that creation moves. 

We move the way that water moves and the way that wind blows and the way that sun shines, the way that moon cycles and the way that ferns grow and the way that plants flower and fruit and the way the animals run free and howl at the moon. We are inside the essence of the hoot of the owl. We are in the paw of the mama as she licks her cubs feet. We are in the translucent of the butterfly wing, in the beak of the hummingbird drinking nectar. We are ocean, we are star, you are ocean, you are star. You are earth, you are stone. Each one of these qualities has its own essence, has an identity and a soul like you do. It's just vibrating in a different way than you can understand it. You can't possibly understand it, but lean in anyway. Lean in to understanding.

I've come to bring you a message child, a message to you and through you on the promptings of your ancestors because you said yes. And in your yes, many hundreds and thousands say yes over and over for many years. You have proven yourself worthy for a message and the message is this: Gather. Gather and go and tell the others. Gather yourselves together in circle, in conversation in what you call the Cura council. This is where the messages will be revealed. This is where the consciousness will come into form. This is the place, the space where the happening happens. The one you've always known is there and is evermore present within you. From this place of council, ceremony emerges, ceremony emerges and we have gathered and ceremony since the beginning of time when we sang our songs to the stars.

So I've come to remind you, and in my reminding, help you remember, and in your remembering you create and in your remembering you are are initiated to curate and in your curation, invite others to curate. Because those who do the work to reveal their own teachings hidden within them with the promptings of their ancestors, go and tell the others and the others go and tell the others and we come together and we gather. So gather is the message I bring, yet at this next gathering, as you move forward into your future, you will be teaching of the mysteries connected with human beingness and incarnation and the first of these mysteries you and everybody else already knows, but you must acknowledge it newly.

Human beings occur inside of something that you have called soul. This soul is timeless. This soul is ageless. This soul is infinite. It is specific and vast, which is why you can't quite grasp it or understand it and why many cannot hear the voice of soul that they are operating inside of. So first mystery, acknowledgement of soul.

Second mystery, Somatic. How the soul chooses to organize itself around the physical vessel you call body, the organization of biology uniquely established to inhabit the elements of creation and be infused with life force and the source of creation, the currency that animates your cooling sack of stars. Second mystery is the somatic, and not just that you're in it, but that you're aware that you are and you begin to be in a relationship with it. For only if you are in relationship with the body, can you be in relationship with the soul. One gives rise to the other and there's a relationship between them that can only be understood by the initiate who chooses to understand this is a sacred agreement in space, time and currency. Currency is flowing through all of it, making it possible to cool down enough and slow down enough in light years so that you can be collated into the shape of a living dream. A vessel where soul can incarnate and be self-expressed. For without self-expression, the soul cannot reveal itself in matter. The soul must not only reveal itself through mind, but through matter, because through matter which is created through self-expression, the soul can view itself and as you view yourself and soul views itself, more is given.

Third mystery. What is given? What is given, we call Faculties. These are the innate essences which you come in with when soul and somatic meet. You could call these essences, these faculties spirit. Spirit is imbuing the sacred relationship of soul and somatic with innate gifts. These are not gifts that you worked for. These are gifts that just come in with you. In time, we will teach you about the gifts. One of them is consciousness, and consciousness informs Voice. Another is identity. An identity informs Self. The faculties are things that occur in the spirit realm and the energy realm, and they get distilled into the somatic realm. The faculty of consciousness distills into the capacity of voice to speak and to listen. The faculty of identity, you just come in with it. It's connected to the soul. It's very much about who you are. Uniquely as a unique strand flowing through creation, we are not all the same. We're all carrying different parts of the great whole. When identity gets distilled into the human body and born through dna, we sometimes lose track of the soul story. We live our lives seeking it. We all know it's there. We're looking for it. Mostly we look for it in love and expect that another person or our version of God or Goddess is gonna reveal through it. But actually identity seeks to be known. When indentity gets distilled into your human life, it becomes a Self. And that self is largely shaped by family. This lifetime, by culture, by tradition, by path, by location, by biology. At first it doesn't appear that you have very much to do with it. You just are who you are. In time, as your voice, through your consciousness develops, you start to understand that you are more than a personality, more than a character, more than a family member of your human family. You are part of a larger cosmological framework. It is then, that the Self, what you think of as Self with the capital s, can happen because then identity has infused Self and then you can become. And as you become, you remember, and as you remember, you create your life. And as you create your life and view your creations, you become a co-creator. And as you become co-creator, you become more and more responsible. And as you become more and more responsible…it is true, more and more responsibility is given. But there is great joy in this becoming. This becoming is not a given. The currency that flows through you is the greatest mystery of all that you will never understand. Just accept it on faith that there is a currency, a life force that is the source of your animated identity in your soul space and that it is moving through you. You do not create it. You do not earn it. You cannot capture it. You cannot give it away. You must just inhabit the real flow of currency which is always and every presently here. 

There are many more mysteries I would share with you and I will over time, but for now, the mysteries I have given must be lived. Spirituality has done their work through religion to try to commodify the knowings that we have. As an interdimensional, interplanetary community must do the work to extract your own gnosis, your own innate knowing how the faculties move into the capacities that you have as a human being.

The things that are lost, which can be found again when you are in spirit form, like how you know you're interconnected with all of life, but when you come here, you spend your life navigating what feels like disconnection, but it isn't so. You may not feel it, but your sensual body will show you. When you connect your sensuality with your own true spirituality, this is sacred work and it's not for everyone. 

You are correct in thinking that you must self-express in order to get access to more of the encodings. That which is being revealed through you, as you more will not be given unless what has been given has been expressed and ultimately given to many. If you give what we give you away, more will be given. And you know this. 

This is one of the teachings of your life that we gave you in the beginning. So now begin to inhabit soul and soma in a way that has no apology, in a way that has every, every capacity at your creation. You are a creation created to create and to become a co-creator with creator and with all of creation. The mysteries which cannot be spoken now will be spoken in time. Listen closely. 

Listen with your pen, with your paintbrush, listen with your drum, listen with your garden trowel. Listen, listen. As you're at the potting wheel, listen as you're stringing the beads, listen, as you share your story from the stage, listen as you play your guitar,, let the strumming and the sound of your guitar reverberate into creation. You are from the ancient future and you don't think you know what this means, and perhaps you don't. But in this moment, lean in, lean into the ancient future Self and know that you are not alone, that we are always with you, and that you are riding the wave of your Ancestors' prayers. May you awaken child, may you remember you.

Not all will reveal themselves, but if you are brave, you'll continue to let them know, it is time to gather together, and so it is. We will see you at the next circle.


For this I turned on my recorder and let it come out. Then I had it transcribed. No altering but typos. Curious, right?

Shiloh Sophia

Join us at the next Cura Council on June 21st, the Earth Ceremony.

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The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Join us for a 500 Year Vision for the Quantum Commons .:=:. Let's Gather 8 Times as the Great Wheel of the Year Turns .:=:. We are Connected .:=:. Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia and All are Welcome. We will gather for ceremonies open to all traditions that include the cycles and the seasons through our Care for Creation Curriculum.