The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
How there can be peace…

How there can be peace…

…and why it will never happen under any dominant regime

Beloved Ones ~ this is my personal view about peace-making and a call to evolve consciousness in our community. There is a long road ahead, and I don’t want us to be divided like we were so tempted to do during the whole vaccination conversation. There is a way to be firm and how we stand without standing on others. There is a way to expand our loving to include a both, and without seeming to be neutral.

Once again I’m not speaking to the whole world 🌎 but those of you in this community. I’m not asking you to share my view. I’m asking you to formulate your own with intelligent heart.

Thinking of you all with ❤️.

I had inconsolable grief yesterday. Sobbing despair. I let myself feel all of it. As I prepare to lead circle today, I have to start with myself first so I can be in communion with others.

This sad unfolding in our sweet world is with me.

we are all processing this great unfolding through the frameworks we have available to us. I am doing the best I can right now to respond.

Shiloh Sophia

Leah prays for Rachel’s choices to bring her mother’s sacred objects out under blood. painting by shilohsophia from my mother Caron.

❤️​ to “ SHALOM

Tonight, Sarah and Hagar, 

catching each other’s breath,

lie down together in their dreams.

They hold hands and the world is sweet.

Gazing into the campfire, they whisper,

Look how far our people have come,

Like wind to water’s final edge

on this sad sweet world

where the flowers grow wild.

We made children here.

Taught them.

Oh, impossible things!

The squaring of the circle.

How to count sand. And stars.

~ Caron McCloud  

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” Paul Farmer

“The sociopathy and narcissism of terrorists, ruthlessly immoral politicians, the young people they radicalize and indoctrinate, and those who commit hate crimes is rooted in the belief that some people matter less and others matter more. The hierarchy of human worth and the oppressive systems of violence that erupt from such injustice go back millennia, from kings and peasants to colonizers and the colonized to humans and the other living beings we think we're better than. The violence rooted in such hierarchies really is the root of all that's wrong with this world.” Dr. Lissa Rankin

The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Join us for a 500 Year Vision for the Quantum Commons .:=:. Let's Gather 8 Times as the Great Wheel of the Year Turns .:=:. We are Connected .:=:. Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia and All are Welcome. We will gather for ceremonies open to all traditions that include the cycles and the seasons through our Care for Creation Curriculum.