The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Invitation to the Threshold of Community

Invitation to the Threshold of Community

Where the lone wolves learn to howl together, mend the Soma Spirit connection and begin to hear the voice of the Soul. 🌞🌙

I invite you to see your Spirit and your Soma as a part of a larger Spirit and Soma called community.

I invite you to the idea that The Cura Council is a vision for community that is intergenerational, and that we together are beginning something now that could benefit your children's children's children's children.

What happens for you if you agree to move out of isolation and into interconnection?

The old ones say the time of the lone wolf is over but I say:

When all the lone wolves come together, we can howl.

We do not lose our individual, unique howl.

We can come back and forth from our own den and join in the quantum commons and we who have been lone wolves can howl together and still have our alone time.

You do not lose your sovereignty by coming into the pack.

In reality, the pack that we are requests your individuality to shine forth for you to be as much you as you can be and that this is our evolutionary edge as a community to create a container in which you and your becoming

is Organic that you become while we are together and you also become while you are in your sovereign space.

We see ourselves as individual souls and a part of a collective soul that is an organized container named after curing curative and to care

to see our Spirit and our Body as woven with the Spirit and Body of Community as woven into the Spirit and Body of all of Creation which includes all of the cultures and traditions you choose to carry forward with you.

For some of us, the cultures and traditions that we've been shaped within, we have chosen to...Release.

We could think of those as in our past.

We do not need to condemn them or shame them or shame or blame ourselves for how long it took us to discover that we did not belong there.

But we can allow that to be our past.

Even if it was glorious and even if it was painful, what happens if you release that into the past and allow your Spirit and Soma to come forward into the quantum commons?

The quantum commons is the place we agree upon together.

Together, it is an organized place, it is a designed place it is a

defined place that has parameters and discernment and qualities of being we cannot even begin to imagine.

But we are...We are imagining it!

And each one of us who comes into the quantum commons brings our own unique expression and gifts and challenges and opportunities for transformation.

The Council is not about transcendence. It is not about descending.

The Council is about being and making contact with the Origins of who we are and what has called us together at this time.

I invite you to imagine in the spirit of the teachings of the Red Thread…that….

You are already connected here.

And indeed, you are.

And that in order to arrive here,

You were called here…somehow.

And indeed, you are.

I invite you to become aware of that you have your own unique piece of red thread to weave into the fabric of The Quantum Commons.

Your red thread is specific. It is relevant.

And we need you and your threads to be woven in the way that only you know how.And to feel a sense of community is to look around and recognize that those who choose to be a part of this Cura Council are each doing our own work.

To discover our piece of the red thread as our metaphoric framework.

There is this relief in knowing that we are on a journey with others who are creating shared responsibility.

And others who at times will remind us, wait a minute, is that on your thread?

Because if it isn't, say no.

Hold on a moment…that seems like it's on your thread. Are you showing up for it?

And also, I celebrate you when I see you as weaving your unique thread.

And I will at times remind you of your part in the narrative.

If I see that you aren't speaking it, I may ask you to speak it.

Because the narrative that we are forming requires all of our voices to be heard.
And the container for that narrative is being developed as we speak.

Each one of you who studies deeply, who is on a Path of Practice with Intentional Creativity… that is the way that your voices are heard and expressed.

What if the Soul's way of communicating to Spirit and Soma is through self-expression? (one of the ways anyway)

Because self-expression is a function of being embodied and a part of our sensuality, our common senses.

How else may the Soul make itself known to you while you're in this Soma if not through self-expression?

Soul is not communicating in abstraction and concepts and energies only.

Form and the expression of form allows Soul's message to be expressed through you and to you... and you embody it as you're expressing it... and then you witness it...and it informs your consciousness... and a flow begins where Soul's voice can be heard.

Imagine being a part of a community who is practicing, listening for the voice of the Soul and imagine what happens in a world when we cannot hear the voice of Soul.

This recovery could be instant or it could take years to unfold.

What will be required of us in community...that's distinct from what's required of us in sovereignty?

The old ones say that when we stopped marrying the land and being in direct relationship with tree and water, we lost a part of our Soul.

But is it gone forever? No.

Is Soul ever and always present and available? Yes.

I believe that. I believe that we once again we can come into union with earth and star. We are earth and star.

We are a body of cosmos and soil and tree branches of our Soul came into this form this time.

Whether you believe we chose it consciously or you just ended up here, the reality is there is a Soul wanting to express itself through you as you.

And that this is not just a good idea, but a saving idea.

It is a saving idea to imagine that we can reconnect and mend our relationship with Soul. And here (at the Council) that begins through a journey of a commitment to self-expression, to intentionally create and observe ourselves as we are creating.

And to request of Spirit and Soma, what do you need to come back together?

The psychology and physiology of Spirit and Soma being in union is already created. You do not need to invent the way that rematriation with Soul and Spirit and soma comes together. This relationship is already innate. They are designed to work together in tandem.

We remember ancestrally that once upon a time the Soul and Spirit and Soma were connected and we have come a long way from that...but now we are returning to that together.

Let us remember this integration. Let us choose to Come Back Together.

The energy is invitational. The energy is to say to entirety of Being, Soma, Spirit,

Will you come back together now and let Soul be expressed through you to me?

How can I aid in this recovery?

What will keep me from it?

And how might I create this union and

I am willing to do the work needed in order for this to happen?

And this is the beginning of that sacred work, which is to say, let it be:

Let me come back into myself.

Let me be conscious of the place where I've been disconnected and let me invite continuity again.

Let me see myself as woven with all of creation of soil and of star.

Let me see my incarnate self as a part of the entire incarnate universe.

And let me show up for the great mending.

For it is the great mending that we are all in need of.

We don't want to over-pathologize or over-psychologize the great mending because it is not a perpetual process where we reiterate our old wounds over and over and over. At some point we may say - we are complete enough. We are healed enough with where we have been,,, and now we are on a journey forward and that doesn't always need to be called healing.

It can be. But some of us feel healed enough, and so now we come into the active self expression of the mending forward, not always the mending back.

(Regarding the primary journey of healing we have been on, we might find ourselves saying) Maybe enough work has been done. Maybe enough stories have been told. Maybe enough wounds have been licked. Maybe enough paintings have been painted.

And maybe this is a threshold moment of acknowledgement by coming into community and an understanding of a presentness, an arriving in a nowness, in a beingness, which says:

I am on a threshold of illumination and I have enough to work with.

I allow the past to be foundational under my feet and I move forward into the future from this moment, individually and collectively with my community.

I must necessarily acknowledge that the sense of place of the quantum commons is in an imaginal realm and yet somatically felt.

I must practice feeling

the Community across the miles.

I must practice the feeling of being connected even if I have never held the hands of another person in this community or shared a table of food or heard the feet of the person beside me dancing or faltering.

I must practice this feeling of the collective in community.


Community…this is not an abstract emotion.

This is a felt sensation that we cultivate over time to feel the love that we have for each other and for this vision, which we are co-creating.

And this is the invitation to feel the interconnection of each one of us who chooses to go forward and to understand that we are called, we are connected and we carry our own piece/peace.

And that we witness one another in the ways that we do in our community.
And in this, Spirit and Soma began to come back together and mend one another.

There's an infinity shape running between the physical and the energetic, the matter and the field.


Soul is organizing itself around us right now, around you right now, We are at a threshold of quickening as a community and some of us will be carried forward and some of us will be scared and turn back… but let us not falter in our footing because we have spent lifetimes arriving here....

At The Threshold.

Do you feel me there with you at the threshold?

I feel you as near as if you were sitting beside me under these redwood trees next to this flowing river.

I feel you as if you are right here.

There is no boundary, ultimately, that keeps us from gathering in the Quantum Commons.

Our imagination, our sensuality and our creativity, over time, will help us heal in community. And that is what we are here to do. Heal.

Yes, until we're healed enough.

And then…We journey forward across the threshold.

Enough licking of wounds and now a readiness toward the future and a capacity to envision an arc of time over 500 years into the future and to learn to care about that, to develop the evolutionary heart which cares about plants and animals and the children of other people that you will never know, or that you will always know.

Maybe it's the same US that will be there in 500 years.

Maybe, as Elder Carmen Baraka says, we agreed to meet at this threshold.

I believe.

I believe in you.

I believe in us.

I believe in the river.

I believe in the redwood trees.

I believe in the phases of the moon and the sun.

And I believe in us as a people, as a body, in co-creative capacity with the body of earth.

I believe in the Milky Way and our own spiraling arm as a sense of place.

I see you there.

Do you remember me?

I remember you.

In this remembering, we will begin to belong to ourselves and to one another.

In our deepest grief, we feel fragmentation from Belonging.

But after the grief comes, the joy of knowing that you are a weaver in the fabric of creation....and you made it this far.

We called your secret name and somehow you heard us calling your name and now you are here.

Welcome to The Threshold….

Shiloh Sophia

Mark your calendar for our upcoming September 21 Waters Ceremony. Join us live or get the recording. Reminders will be sent to subscribers.


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The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Join us for a 500 Year Vision for the Quantum Commons .:=:. Let's Gather 8 Times as the Great Wheel of the Year Turns .:=:. We are Connected .:=:. Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia and All are Welcome. We will gather for ceremonies open to all traditions that include the cycles and the seasons through our Care for Creation Curriculum.