I feel very much the same way, torn. Im not at peace to share my heart, unedited. Im often sad and overwhelmed. I create intentionally. Thank you for being a voice and being vulnerable .

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Dearest Sophia,

You open my heart and calm my mind.

I could deeply relate to your words and am immensely grateful for having been able to hear them, sense them, and be gently moved and encouraged by them.

My gratitude for the work you do and the loving kindness you share is beyond words.

New to MUSEA, I knew I would learn from you, but I never imagined the depth it would take me to connect with someone who has so similar views and aspirations as I do.

It fills my heart, cracks it open, soothes it, replenishes it, strengthens it.

Before I met you, last November I invited 10 women to “Nourish the Creatrix” in each of us, to be fully present to all that shows up, and choose joy while together. It’s a revolutionary practice!

Namaste, Sweet Soul.

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PS: the time was 11:11 am as your Mending the Heart of Humanity podcast finished.

This is a very significant “time” in Canada as we celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11th (11/11) and have a collective moment of silence at 11:00 am.

Heartfelt synchronicity.

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i have held for a long time that being Self-ish is different from being selfish. Your choice of Joy is a perfect example. The more publicly we live our lives, the more subject to scrutiny we become to those who look & reach outward instead of inward for their validation; who mistrust the differences that make each of us a unique and wondrous being. i look forward to continuing to celebrate your uniqueness and my own in the Land of Ish! See you there!

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Standing against violence and oppression IS taking a stand! Gentleness and joy as medicine for us who need it ♥️

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Choosing Peace. 💕

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I hear your storm of emotions and thoughts, blowing here and there and everywhere. I also see the steadiness from your love rooted heart. I joined the recent offering of the grief class for these very reasons. My heart is wanting community and it seems that women are coming together. as you have said we hold each other up, we create sacred space to who we are. That in itself is positive. My belief is that positive energy, caring, sharing, loving joy is stronger and spreads in a more powerful way than negativity, and that the tending of my own heart is my piece of the thread, thank you for sharing your heart because it binds us together, increasing our individual capacity and degree of influence.

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Shiloh, I love you and wish I could see you in person. Thanks for sharing your message. I'm glad your choosing pure joy!! My word for 2025 is dance!

My family is in Ukraine too.

I stopped paying for the Cura Council membership because I didn't get anything out of the live events. I support what you do and didn't feel an active part of the Council as I have a part of Gold MInd. I don't mind reinstating my membership. I just want to find a way to be an active part of the Council from New Jersey. I'm an in-person extrovert who thrives on being with people face-to-face. Colin and I want to be more involved but don't know how to really feel integrated considering we'd prefer participating in person. Colin works virtually all day with his art department and I see clients in-person via telehealth. When we have time to hang out, going online is not our first choice. We wish were nearer to you. I have to be honest and say that doing courses virtually is not my preferred cup of tea. I want to build a bridge between how I want to feel as a part of Musea and where I am in New Jersey prioritizing being face-to-face with people over sitting in front a screen.

With love and gratitude,


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Love you, Shiloh. Your heart and stance are sincerely heartfelt. It's true, we can't always take sides as a community, but we can hold the container. This is what Musea and the Cura Council is, a beautiful container. I stand with love, and holding each of us in heart and thought as I head to the canvas to paint more prayer dots. May each thought be an implanted seed of awareness, and may that awareness allow each of us to step into a brighter future of a community held in love. Thank you beautiful soul.

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💞🩵💦🌲🙏💚 Thank you Beautiful One 🌏🌸🌞🌺✨🎶💓🌟

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Yay!! I finally said it. I've been trying to write this message for years.

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My hand clasps yours, believing, we are wired for joy and love is at the center, and I’m listening deeply. I believe in you. With much gratitude for you and MUSEA 😌🕊️✨💓🎉

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