I listened to this at 3am my time. I have been reflecting on my need to integrate all the changes. I love reflecting on how Creator/ Source energy is everything. Thankyou beautiful Soul I appreciate your message ❤️

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Thank you Shiloh. I felt my heart well with joy at your words. So much gratitude for the beauty you share. Sending you extra love and blessings.

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Thank you Shiloh for this gift. I believe that EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING is inside of the Creator, including the Creator. Therefore, yes it is ALL sacred. ALL OF IT!!! Sending love your way ❤️😘❤️

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thank you precious one Michelle - woke up thining of you

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It’s so good to be thought of by anyone but in my heart, especially you.

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I know this - I love imagining you and Jonathan napping at Wild Water Creek with your pillows and blankets. I love that I was there, with you, and others from this Council, that I know the place that you speak of, and that now I am here in the snow covered Rocky Mountains, dwarfed in humility, connection, gratitude and goodness.

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