The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
The 500 Year Vision - Message for Existing Community

The 500 Year Vision - Message for Existing Community

Let us begin...a fulfillment of a sacred assignment and a promise to my Elders

The Cura Council - A Quantum Commons through 8 Ceremonial Gatherings

March 29, 2023

Dear Ones,

You are invited to The Cura Council, A Qauntum Commons through 8 Ceremonial Gatherings for 500 years.

It’s me, Shiloh Sophia.

Time is precious and it seems uncertainty is the way we are living our lives. Yet I have the power to create certainty for the village I serve, to offer time and teachings to ‘mend the sacred hoop’, and so I am. I must answer the call.

When I ask myself what my Great Work in the world is, and what I could create that would be blessing, this is the vision arose. I have been holding the space for a 100 year circle for 20 years, but the sacred assignment has changed to 500 years, it is inclusive of all genders and basically is an ancient and futuristic creative spiritual path for seekers. You might think of us as agnostic mystics with a wild streak that crave an experience of the sacred through emobodiment.

I have a background as a Reverend, Artist, Storyteller, Educator, and Futurist, so if you put all those together it weaves into this word: Ceremony. So I am initiating 8 ceremonial gatherings based on the wheel of the year for 500 years virtually. I host 12 in person gatherings per year in Sonoma, and they are the first Thursday of each month. We will have one in person per year in November. And I hope we will form a true Council of Wise and Wild ones to have ceremony, celebration and conversation.

The idea of Cura, is a person who cares for the soul of the village, one who cares, is curative in nature and is a curator. At MUSEA University when a Cura becomes fully engaged in the guardianship of their Sacred and Great Work in the world, they become a Curate.

To become a part of The Cura Council, subscriptions are offered by scholarship for those who choose, and by tithe for those who choose. No one who wants to come will be excluded - as long as you come with respect, open eyes and an open heart ready for consciousness raising.

I have been in circle since I was 5 years old and I am here to gather us. My mother Caron had a vision that I would call this kind of circle right before she walked into her future. Today is the 2nd year anniversary of her walking on, and here I am, Mama. I did it. I opened the doors.

The vision expanded from 100 years to 500 years on the day of Carmen Baraka’s walking on. Yes, I feel guided by the internal soul prompting of my Ancestors. You don’t just decide to call a 500 year circle on your own, it’s too much work and it’s too big. You need help. I am being helped and when you join - you are affirming the vision of our need to gather in sacred containers throughout time.

I used to joke with Carmen Baraka, Spirit Warrior, (Native American Elder in our community) “Do I have a sign on my back that says, Ancestors, pick me” She said: “Yes you do, but not because you are special, but because everyone else said no, which makes you special and so it is yours to do, no one else is going to do it, baby” So here I am, honoring the call of the Ancestors, the Elders, The Art Matriarchs of our community of MUSEA and Cosmic Cowgirls.

I know it seems like I do a lot and I do. Yet I am beginning to slow things down a bit so I can focus on what matters most to me and the gifts I have to bring. I am carrying medicine that feels essential for the great unfolding, my mom taught me to know that I matter, and that I am also here to remind you, that you matter.

Over the next 6 months you will see less offerings from me, and less of me in less places, so I can focus on these ceremonies, our local village, our global virtual village and our Care for Creation Curriculum starting on Solstice in June 6/21, it’s called Origins. Sometimes we have to speed up to slow down - so you may feel that right now in the field as you learn about The Cura Council, but it will be changing, and I am notifying you of this change. My entire Soul and Soma is being put on awareness that change is coming.

You know how some people have a bucket list - well the Cura Council isn’t my bucket list - this is the fulfillment of as sacred assignment I agreed to a very very long time ago. And yes, if just one thing remained upon my own passing, let it be this circle. May this be a blessing to all. May I live long enough to see it through, and pass on the teachings I am carrying.

May you, along with me send a blessing out to all beings.

All. Beings.

Love to each of one of you,
Curate Shiloh Sophia

Learn About the COUNCIL

The Cura Council is open for Scholarships and for Tithing - Join here

”We understand that many of us have been lost from our ancestral and cultural root system, and we seek a practice that is both ancient and futuristic, grounded and cosmic, sacred and wild, practical and mystical.

I was speaking to a wise Elder who is studied in the medicine way and I told her about this vision for a circle without end. I have known her over twenty years and she has followed my work closely. She nodded slowly, looking at me with that eagle-eye intensity and said: “The gift of your time, over a long time, is mending the sacred hoop, an idea in Indigenous traditions - and it is one of the things that people need to heal” ~ Shiloh Sophia

I was raised with lots of culture, conversation, ritual, ceremony and circle by a clan of women who truly loved me and loved this creation. I give honor to the idea that we must tend the next seven generations and that we can be a part of the mending. The offering of the Cura Council will respect our ancestral wisdoms and invite us into a spirituality of the future. I can’t tell you everything about it because it hasn’t happened yet. And you are a part of it.

This is from a letter Carmen Baraka wrote to me and my husband Jonathan:

“So this lets me explain what it’s like to be in Circle and Ceremony, which has been handed down since the beginning of time. It’s like breathing into Grace, into the quantum field. To be in a moment of reverence where you are set free to experience the validity of the true nature of spirit, the sublime nature of beingness. To know you are between worlds, the I am that I am. I am most comfortable here in this place of giving and receiving, in this place of quantum identity, where you find out and can feel this realm in a profound way, an actual view that we are all interconnected, an alignment with the stars. When you can actually experience what you feel is your deepest truth, hold it in your hand and have it be tangible, that is the gift that is pure joy, that is the awakening.

When you can hear the stories of the past, the information of the future and the power of the now, understanding that all aspects are in play at all times, this juxtaposition of realities triggers Omni Presence in a way that can be understood. Everything actually isn’t always fleeting, not if you see it as all aspects in play simultaneously. When we can truly understand the depth and breadth, then we can understand that everything that has been and will be, the knowledge of all time, is already within us. We must move through the Corridors – the portals of our timeless mind, body, spirit, the realm of the oneness of creator, of source, the realms of all possibilities.

Carmen Baraka, Spirit Warrior

The Cura Council
The Cura Council Podcast
Join us for a 500 Year Vision for the Quantum Commons .:=:. Let's Gather 8 Times as the Great Wheel of the Year Turns .:=:. We are Connected .:=:. Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia and All are Welcome. We will gather for ceremonies open to all traditions that include the cycles and the seasons through our Care for Creation Curriculum.